As The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink brought to light, 1 in 3 American women live on or near the brink of poverty. By starting or expanding her own business, a woman can lift herself and her family off the brink and become her own boss. These facts gave rise to Fund A Boss, an initiative aimed at moving women and their families forward towards economic security.
Through Fund A Boss individuals would make a small loan as a member of the A Woman’s Nation™ Lending Team in partnership with Kiva, the world’s largest crowd-funding platform for social good. We made helping a woman entrepreneur looking for funds to start or expand her business as easy as the click of a button. A Woman’s Nation Lending Team has grown to 560 regular members who have made nearly 5,400 individual loans. This Lending Team continues to make loans, reinvesting the funds their borrowers have repaid at an impressive 98.9% rate.
Inspired by the compelling stories shared by women seeking loans, A Woman’s Nation began a monthly feature that highlighted a woman entrepreneur with a promising business and promoted her story and loan request through social media.